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Trophy Information:
  • User has set a mugshot in his own Launchpad profile
Getting Help:
  • #launchpad on Freenode

A mugshot is an avatar image that the user can set in his Launchpad profile. It is nice when people can identify you just watching a picture of you.

We advise you to choose a real picture of you (usually displaying only the face) or another avatar you really like. Please try to avoid picture with content that could offend someone else (e.g. adult content).

The picture must be exactly 192x192 and big no more than 100 Kb.

How to achieve this trophy

  1. Setting a mugshot is very simple.
  2. You must be logged on Launchpad.net website.
  3. Then he needs to go on your profile page that usually is http://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAME
  4. Click on the link "Change details".
  5. Be sure to have a 192x192 pixel picture to upload (.png or .jpg will be ok).
  6. Once the picture is uploaded, please click on "Save changes" button at the end of the page.

Further Reading