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Trophy Information:
  • Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower
Getting Help:
  • #ubuntu-community-team on Freenode

Sometimes your post (answer or question) might get negative feedback from the Ask Ubuntu community, e.g., because the question doesn't belong on Ask Ubuntu, has content issues, the answer might not fit the question, etc. This is reflected by your post's score, which will decrease by one with every downvote from a community member. Should your post get a score of -3 or less and you delete it, you will receive this badge.

How to achieve this trophy

  1. Post a question or answer (an unintentionally bad one).
  2. Wait for it to get a score of -3 (where score is the difference between up- and downvotes).
  3. Delete the post by clicking on the delete link below it.

Pitfalls To Avoid:

  • The post must have a score of -3 or less at the time of deletion.
  • Please don't intentionally try to get this badge. ;-)