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Recent Collectors

Trophy Information:
  • Question score of 10 or more
Getting Help:
  • #ubuntu-community-team on Freenode

Good questions receive this badge once they reach a score of 10 or more. They include all the details necessary to answer the question, frequent edits to improve the content, and they are as concise as possible.

How to achieve this trophy

  1. Ask a question that attracts enough upvotes from the site's users to get a score of 10 (score being the difference between up- and downvotes).

Tips and Tricks:

  • Your question should be interesting to many users to attract this many votes.
  • Constant editing and improving your question will get it more and more attention.
  • Continually add the results of your progress towards an answer into your question instead of writing it as one huge log. It should be written in a manner that makes it easy for the reader to understand.
  • Use the social media buttons (currently Twitter, Google+, and Facebook are supported) to get your question out to the wider community.

Further Reading