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Recent Collectors

Trophy Information:
  • Question score of 25 or more
Getting Help:
  • #ubuntu-community-team on Freenode

Good questions receive this badge. It takes multiple revisions and constant work to make a question that is universal enough to receive 25 upvotes from your peers.

How to achieve this trophy

  1. Ask a question that attracts enough upvotes from the site's users to get a score of 25 (score being the difference between up- and downvotes).

Tips and Tricks:

  • Your question should be interesting to many users to attract this many votes.
  • Constant editing and improving your question will get it more and more attention.
  • Continually add the results of your progress towards an answer into your question instead of writing it as one huge log. It should be written in a manner that makes it easy for the reader to understand (as concise as possible).
  • Use the social media buttons (currently Twitter, Google+, and Facebook are supported) to get your question out to the wider community.

Further Reading