Source code for accomplishments.daemon.api

(c) 2012, Jono Bacon, and the Ubuntu Accomplishments community.

This is the core Ubuntu Accomplishments daemon API.

This file is licensed under the GNU Public License version 3.

If you are interested in contributing improvements or changes to this
program, please see for how to
get involved.

import gettext
from gettext import gettext as _
from gettext import ngettext as N_
import ConfigParser
import Image, ImageEnhance
from StringIO import StringIO
import datetime
import getpass
import glob
import gobject
import gpgme
import json
import os
import pwd
import subprocess
import time
import locale

import dbus
import dbus.service

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol
from twisted.python import filepath
from twisted.python import log

import xdg.BaseDirectory

    import pynotify
except ImportError:
    pynotify = None

from import SyncDaemonTool
from ubuntuone.platform.credentials import CredentialsManagementTool
from ubuntuone.couch import auth

import accomplishments
from accomplishments import exceptions
from accomplishments.daemon import dbusapi
from accomplishments.util import get_data_file, SubprocessReturnCodeProtocol
from accomplishments.util.paths import daemon_exec_dir, media_dir, module_dir1, module_dir2, installed, locale_dir


os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "$PYTHONPATH:."
# The directories with accomplishment.* modules, that are being used by scripts,
# may happen to be in a completelly different directory, if the daemon was
# installed using a non-default prefix.
if installed:
    os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = module_dir1 + ":" + module_dir2 + ":" + os.environ["PYTHONPATH"]

LOCAL_USERNAME = getpass.getuser()

#flags used for scripts_state

# XXX the source code needs to be updated to use Twisted async calls better:
# grep the source code for any *.asyncapi.* references, and if they return
# deferreds, adjust them to use callbacks
[docs]class AsyncAPI(object): """ This class simply organizes all the Twisted calls into a single location for better readability and separation of concerns. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent @staticmethod def run_a_subprocess(command): log.msg("Running subprocess command: " + str(command)) pprotocol = SubprocessReturnCodeProtocol() reactor.spawnProcess(pprotocol, command[0], command, env=os.environ) return pprotocol.returnCodeDeferred @defer.inlineCallbacks def verify_ubuntu_one_account(self): # check if this machine has an Ubuntu One account log.msg("Check if this machine has an Ubuntu One account...") tool = CredentialsManagementTool() creds = yield tool.register() if len(creds) > 1: log.msg("...Yes.") self.parent.has_u1 = True self.parent.service.ubuntu_one_account_ready() else: log.msg("...No.") log.msg(u1auth_response) self.parent.has_u1 = False # XXX let's rewrite this to use deferreds explicitly @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def register_trophy_dir(self, trophydir): """ Creates the Ubuntu One share for the trophydir and offers it to the server. Returns True if the folder was successfully shared, False if not. """ timeid = str(time.time()) log.msg("Registering Ubuntu One share directory: " + trophydir) folder_list = yield folder_is_synced = False for folder in folder_list: if folder["path"] == trophydir: folder_is_synced = True break if not folder_is_synced: # XXX let's breack this out into a separate sync'ing method log.msg( "...the '%s' folder is not synced with the Matrix" % trophydir) log.msg("...creating the share folder on Ubuntu One") success_filter = lambda info: info["path"] == trophydir info = yield signal_ok='FolderCreated', success_filter=success_filter) trophydir, self.parent.matrix_username, LOCAL_USERNAME + " Trophies Folder" + " (" + timeid + ")", "Modify") log.msg( "...share has been offered (" + trophydir + "" + ", " + self.parent.matrix_username + ", " + LOCAL_USERNAME + ")") return log.msg("...the '%s' folder is already synced" % trophydir) # XXX put the following logic into a folders (plural) sharing method log.msg("... now checking whether it's shared") shared_list = yield folder_is_shared = False shared_to = [] for share in shared_list: # XXX let's break this out into a separate share-tracking method if share["path"] == trophydir: log.msg("...the folder is already shared.") folder_is_shared = True shared_to.append("%s (%s)" % ( share["other_visible_name"], share["other_username"])) if not folder_is_shared: # XXX let's break this out into a separate folder-sharing method log.msg("...the '%s' folder is not shared" % trophydir) trophydir, self.parent.matrix_username, LOCAL_USERNAME + " Trophies Folder" + " (" + timeid + ")", "Modify") log.msg("...share has been offered (" + trophydir + "" + ", " + self.parent.matrix_username + ", " + LOCAL_USERNAME + ")") log.msg("...offered the share.") return else: log.msg("The folder is shared, with: %s" % ", ".join( shared_to)) return # XXX let's rewrite this to use deferreds explicitly
@defer.inlineCallbacks def run_scripts_for_user(self, uid): # The following avoids running multiple instances of this function, # which might get very messy and cause a lot of trouble. Simulatnously # run scripts would be the case if user recieves several .asc files # within a short time, the scripts take extraordinary time to run, # or for various other reasons. # NOTE: detailed explanation of scripts_state mechanism is included # near it's initialisation in Accomplishments.__init__(...). if uid in self.parent.scripts_state: if self.parent.scripts_state[uid] is RUNNING: log.msg("Aborting running scripts, execution already in progress. Will re-do this when current run ends.") # scripts are already being run for that user, but since something # called that function, maybe we need to re-run them because # something has changed since last call, so let's schedule the # re-running immidiatelly after finishing this run, and abort self.parent.scripts_state[uid] = NEEDS_RE_RUNNING return elif self.parent.scripts_state[uid] is NEEDS_RE_RUNNING: log.msg("Aborting running scripts, execution already in progress. Re-runing scripts has already been scheduled.") # already scheduled, so just aborting return # if above conditions failed, that means the scripts are not being run # this user, so we can continue normally, marking the scripts as running... self.parent.scripts_state[uid] = RUNNING log.msg("--- Starting Running Scripts ---") timestart = time.time() self.parent.service.scriptrunner_start() # Is the user currently logged in and running a gnome session? # XXX use deferToThread username = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name try: # XXX since we're using Twisted, let's use it here too and use the # deferred-returning call proc = subprocess.check_output( ["pgrep", "-u", username, "gnome-session"]).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # user does not have gnome-session running or isn't logged in at # all log.msg("No gnome-session process for user %s" % username) self.parent.scripts_state[uid] = NOT_RUNNING #unmarking to avoid dead-lock return # XXX this is a blocking call and can't be here if we want to take # advantage of deferreds; instead, rewrite this so that the blocking # call occurs in a separate thread (e.g., deferToThread) fp = open("/proc/%s/environ" % proc) try: envars = dict( [line.split("=", 1) for line in"\0") if line.strip()]) except IOError: # user does not have gnome-session running or isn't logged in at # all log.msg("No gnome-session environment for user %s" % username) self.parent.scripts_state[uid] = NOT_RUNNING #unmarking to avoid dead-lock return fp.close() # XXX use deferToThread os.seteuid(uid) required_envars = ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] env = dict([kv for kv in envars.items() if kv[0] in required_envars]) # XXX use deferToThread oldenviron = os.environ os.environ.update(env) # XXX note that for many of these deferredToThread changes, we can put # them all in a DeferredList and once they're all done and we have the # results for all of them, a callback can be fired to continue. # XXX this next call, a DBus check, happens in the middle of this # method; it would be better if this check was done at a higher level, # for instance, where this class is initiated: if the daemon isn't # registered at the time of instantiation, simply abort then instead of # making all the way here and then aborting. (Note that moving this # check to that location will also eliminate an obvious circular # import.) if not dbusapi.daemon_is_registered(): return # XXX all parent calls should be refactored out of the AsyncAPI class # to keep the code cleaner and the logic more limited to one particular # task accoms = self.parent.list_unlocked_not_completed() totalscripts = len(accoms) log.msg("Need to run (%d) scripts:" % totalscripts) log.msg(str(accoms)) scriptcount = 1 for accomID in accoms: scriptpath = self.parent.get_acc_script_path(accomID) msg = "%s/%s: %s" % (scriptcount, totalscripts, scriptpath) log.msg(msg) exitcode = yield self.run_a_subprocess([scriptpath]) if exitcode == 0: self.parent.accomplish(accomID) log.msg("...Accomplished") elif exitcode == 1: log.msg("...Not Accomplished") elif exitcode == 2: log.msg("....Error") elif exitcode == 4: log.msg("...Could not get extra-information") else: log.msg("...Error code %d" % exitcode) scriptcount = scriptcount + 1 os.environ = oldenviron # XXX eventually the code in this method will be rewritten using # deferreds; as such, we're going to have to be more clever regarding # timing things... timeend = time.time() timefinal = round((timeend - timestart), 2) log.msg( "--- Completed Running Scripts in %.2f seconds---" % timefinal) self.parent.service.scriptrunner_finish() # checking whether this function was called while script execution was in progress... rerun = (self.parent.scripts_state[uid] is NEEDS_RE_RUNNING) # unsetting the lock self.parent.scripts_state[uid] = NOT_RUNNING # re-running scripts if needed if rerun: log.msg("Re-running scripts as intended...") self.run_scripts_for_user(uid)
[docs]class Accomplishments(object): """The main accomplishments daemon. No D-Bus required, so that it can be used for testing. """ def __init__(self, service, show_notifications=None): self.accomplishments_installpaths = None self.trophies_path = None self.has_u1 = False self.has_verif = None self.matrix_username = "" self.lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] # use this to override the language for testing #self.lang = "pt_BR" self.accomlangs = [] self.service = service self.asyncapi = AsyncAPI(self) # The following dictionary represents state of scripts. # It's a dictionary and not a single variable, because scripts may be run # for each user independently. For each user, the state can be either # RUNNING, NOT_RUNNING or NEEDS_RE_RUNNING. If an entry for a # particular UID does not exist, it should be treated as NOT_RUNNING. # The use of this flag is to aviod running several instances of # run_scripts_for_user, which might result in undefined, troubleful # behavior. The flags are NOT_RUNNING by default, and are set to # RUNNING when the run_scripts_for_user starts. However, if it has been # already set to RUNNING, the function will abort, and will instead set the # flag to NEEDS_RE_RUNNING, in order to mark that the scripts have to # be run once more, because something might have changed since we run # them the last time (as the run_scripts_for_user was called while # scripts were being executed). Setting the flag to NEEDS_RE_RUNNING # will cause run_scripts_for_user to redo everything after having # finished it's current task in progress. Otherwise it will eventually # set the flag back to NOT_RUNNING. self.scripts_state = {} # create config / data dirs if they don't exist self.dir_config = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "accomplishments") self.dir_data = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_data_home, "accomplishments") self.dir_cache = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_cache_home, "accomplishments") if not os.path.exists(self.dir_config): os.makedirs(self.dir_config) if not os.path.exists(self.dir_data): os.makedirs(self.dir_data) if not os.path.exists(self.dir_cache): os.makedirs(self.dir_cache) self.dir_autostart = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "autostart") print str("------------------- Ubuntu Accomplishments Daemon " "- "+ str( +" -------------------") self._load_config_file() print str("Accomplishments install paths: " + self.accomplishments_installpaths) print str("Trophies path: " + self.trophies_path) self.show_notifications = show_notifications log.msg("Connecting to Ubuntu One") = SyncDaemonTool() self.reload_accom_database() # XXX this wait-until thing should go away; it should be replaced by a # deferred-returning function that has a callback which fires off # generate_all_trophis and schedule_run_scripts... #self._wait_until_a_sig_file_arrives()"DownloadFinished", self._process_recieved_asc_file) self._create_all_trophy_icons() def get_media_file(self, media_file_name): log.msg("MEDIA_FILE_NAME:") log.msg(media_file_name) log.msg("MEDIA_DIR:") log.msg(media_dir) #media_filename = get_data_file(media_dir.split, '%s' % (media_file_name,)) media_filename = os.path.join(media_dir, media_file_name) log.msg("MEDIA_FILENAME:") log.msg(media_filename) if not os.path.exists(media_filename): media_filename = None final = "file:///" + media_filename return final def _create_all_trophy_icons(self): """Iterate through each of the accomplishments on the system and generate all of the required icons that we provide to clients.""" cols = self.list_collections() for col in cols: col_imagespath = os.path.join(self.accDB[col]['base-path'],"trophyimages") cache_trophyimagespath = os.path.join( self.dir_cache, "trophyimages", col) lock_image_path = os.path.join(media_dir, "lock.png") if not os.path.exists(cache_trophyimagespath): os.makedirs(cache_trophyimagespath) # First, delete all cached images: cachedlist=glob.glob(cache_trophyimagespath + "/*") for c in cachedlist: os.remove(c) mark = for root, dirs, files in os.walk(col_imagespath): for name in files: try: im =, name)) filename = os.path.join(cache_trophyimagespath, name) filecore = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filetype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] # Opacity set to 1.0 until we figure out a better way of # showing opportunities reduced = self._create_reduced_opacity_trophy_icon(im, 1.0) + "-opportunity" + filetype) if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') layer ='RGBA', im.size, (0,0,0,0)) position = ( im.size[0] - mark.size[0], im.size[1] - mark.size[1]) layer.paste(mark, position) img = Image.composite(layer, reduced, layer) + "-locked" + filetype) except Exception, (msg): log.msg(msg) def _create_reduced_opacity_trophy_icon(self, im, opacity): """Returns an image with reduced opacity.""" assert opacity >= 0 and opacity <= 1 if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') else: im = im.copy() alpha = im.split()[3] alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(opacity) im.putalpha(alpha) return im
[docs] def get_config_value(self, section, item): """Return a configuration value from the .accomplishments file""" log.msg( "Returning configuration values for: %s, %s" % (section, item)) homedir = os.getenv("HOME") config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cfile = self.dir_config + "/.accomplishments" if config.has_option(section, item): if section == "config" and item == "has_u1": item = config.getboolean(section, item) return item elif section == "config" and item == "has_verif": item = config.getboolean(section, item) return item elif section == "config" and item == "daemon_sessionstart": item = config.getboolean(section, item) return item else: item = config.get(section, item) return item else: return "NoOption"
def verify_ubuntu_one_account(self): self.asyncapi.verify_ubuntu_one_account()
[docs] def write_config_file_item(self, section, item, value): """Set a configuration value in the .accomplishments file""" log.msg( "Set configuration file value in '%s': %s = %s" % (section, item, value)) homedir = os.getenv("HOME") config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cfile = self.dir_config + "/.accomplishments" if config.has_section(section) is False: config.add_section(section) else: config.set(section, item, value) # Writing our configuration file to 'example.cfg' with open(cfile, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) self._load_config_file()
def _write_config_file(self): """Write the values held in various configuration state variables to the main daemon configuration file, which should be located in ~/.config/accomplishments/.accomplishments.""" log.msg("Writing the configuration file") homedir = os.getenv("HOME") config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cfile = self.dir_config + "/.accomplishments" # The following sets self.has_u1 self.verify_ubuntu_one_account() config.add_section('config') config.set('config', 'has_u1', self.has_u1) config.set('config', 'has_verif', self.has_verif) config.set('config', 'accompath', self.accomplishments_installpaths) config.set('config', 'trophypath', self.trophies_path) with open(cfile, 'wb') as configfile: # Writing our configuration file to 'example.cfg' config.write(configfile) log.msg("...done.") def _load_config_file(self): """Load the main configuration file for the daemon. This should be located in ~/.config/accomplishments/.accomplishments and it provides a ConfigParser INI-style list of values.""" homedir = os.environ["HOME"] config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cfile = os.path.join(self.dir_config, ".accomplishments") if log.msg("Loading configuration file: " + cfile) if config.get('config', 'accompath'): self.accomplishments_installpaths = config.get('config', 'accompath') log.msg( "...setting accomplishments install paths to: " + self.accomplishments_installpaths) if config.get('config', 'trophypath'): log.msg( "...setting trophies path to: " + config.get('config', 'trophypath')) self.trophies_path = config.get('config', 'trophypath') if config.get('config', 'has_u1'): self.has_u1 = config.getboolean('config', 'has_u1') if config.get('config', 'has_verif'): self.has_verif = config.getboolean('config', 'has_verif') if config.has_option('config','staging') and config.get('config', 'staging'): self.matrix_username = "openiduser204307" # staging ID else: self.matrix_username = "openiduser155707" # production ID else: # setting accomplishments path to the system default home = os.path.expanduser("~/accomplishments") accompath = home + ":" + "/usr/share/accomplishments" log.msg("Configuration file not found...creating it!") self.has_verif = False self.accomplishments_installpaths = accompath log.msg( "...setting accomplishments install paths to: " + self.accomplishments_installpaths) log.msg("You can set this to different locations in your config file.") self.trophies_path = os.path.join(self.dir_data, "trophies") log.msg("...setting trophies path to: " + self.trophies_path) if not os.path.exists(self.trophies_path): os.makedirs(self.trophies_path) self._write_config_file()
[docs] def get_all_extra_information(self): """ Return a dictionary of all information for the accomplishments to authticate. Returns {application, needs-information, label, description, value}. """ # get a list of all accomplishments accomplishments = self.list_accomplishments() infoneeded = [] # and prepend the path to the directory, where all extra-information # is stored [like: ~/.local/share/accomplishments/trophies/.extrainformation/] trophyextrainfo = os.path.join( self.trophies_path, ".extrainformation/") # in case this directory does not exist, create it # this may happen if user hadn't yet set any ExtraInformation field if not os.path.isdir(trophyextrainfo): os.makedirs(trophyextrainfo) # now, for each accomplishment file that is available... for acc in accomplishments: # get the path to the directory of accomplishments set's # "extrainformation" dir - it is useful, because it contains # translated labels and descriptions accomextrainfo = os.path.join(self.accDB[acc]['base-path'] , "extrainformation") # a temporary variable, representing a single entry of the list this function returns d = {} # Get collection name from accomOD collection = self._coll_from_accomID(acc) ei = self.get_acc_needs_info(acc) if len(ei) is not 0: # For each needed piece of information: for i in ei: label = self.accDB[collection]['extra-information'][i]['label'] desc = self.accDB[collection]['extra-information'][i]['description'] # we also need to know whether user has already set this item's value. # to do this, simply check whether trophies/.extrainformation/<item> file exists. try: valuefile = open(os.path.join(trophyextrainfo,i)) # if we got here without an exception, it means that the file exists # so, we can read it's value value = valuefile.readline() value = value.rstrip() # get rid of the tailing newline # and build up the dictionary of all data for a single ExtraInformation field d = { "collection" : collection, "needs-information" : i, "label" : label, "description" : desc, "value" : value} except IOError as e: # we got an exception, so it seems that the file is not present - we'll use "" as the value, to indicate that it's empty d = { "collection" : collection, "needs-information" : i, "label" : label, "description" : desc, "value" : ""} # since the collected all data related to this particular ExtraInformation field, append it to the list infoneeded.append(d) # at this moment the infoneeded list will be ready, but full of duplicates, # for the items have been added multiple times, if they are mentioned in more then one .accomplishment file final = [] for x in infoneeded: #for each item in the original list... if x not in final: #...add it to the outputted list only if it hadn't been added yet. final.append(x) return final
[docs] def get_all_extra_information_required(self): """ Return a dictionary of all information required for the accomplishments to authticate that has not been set yet. Returns {application, needs-information, label, description} Returns only these, which value is not set. """ #fetch a full list of ExtraInformation data = self.get_all_extra_information() #now we need to unsort the data just to output these entries, that have value == "" #this way we can return a list of ExtraInformation fields, that have not been write_config_file_item result = [] for i in data: #for each ExtraInformation in the full list if not i['value']: #if the value string is empty, so this ExtraInformation field have not been yet set i.pop('value') #remove the 'value' field (it's empty anyway) result.append(i) #add this entry to the resulting list #do not add these fields, that have some value return result
def run_scripts_for_all_active_users(self): for uid in [x.pw_uid for x in pwd.getpwall() if x.pw_dir.startswith('/home/') and x.pw_shell != '/bin/false']: os.seteuid(0) self.asyncapi.run_scripts_for_user(uid) def run_scripts(self, run_by_client): uid = os.getuid() if uid == 0: log.msg("Run scripts for all active users") self.run_scripts_for_all_active_users() else: log.msg("Run scripts for user") self.asyncapi.run_scripts_for_user(uid)
[docs] def create_extra_information_file(self, item, data): """Does exactly the same as write_extra_information_file(), but it does not overwrite any existing data""" # XXX this should be removed as we are using write_extra_information_file log.msg( "Creating Extra Information file: %s, %s" % (item, data)) extrainfodir = os.path.join(self.trophies_path, ".extrainformation/") if not os.path.isdir(extrainfodir): os.makedirs(extrainfodir) try: open(os.path.join(extrainfodir, item)) #if the file already exists, do not overwrite it pass except IOError as e: f = open(os.path.join(extrainfodir, item), 'w') f.write(data) f.close()
def _process_recieved_asc_file(self, path, info): log.msg("Trophy signature recieved...") log.msg("Processing signature: " + path) if path.startswith(self.trophies_path) and path.endswith(".asc"): valid = self._get_is_asc_correct(path) if not valid: log.msg("WARNING: invalid .asc signature recieved from the server!") if valid == True: accomID = path[len(self.trophies_path)+1:-11] self.service.trophy_received(accomID) self._display_accomplished_bubble(accomID) self._display_unlocked_bubble(accomID) self._mark_as_completed(accomID) self.run_scripts(0) def write_extra_information_file(self, item, data): log.msg( "Saving Extra Information file: %s, %s" % (item, data)) extrainfodir = os.path.join(self.trophies_path, ".extrainformation/") if not os.path.isdir(extrainfodir): os.makedirs(extrainfodir) if data: f = open(os.path.join(extrainfodir, item), 'w') #will trunkate the file, in case it exist f.write(data) f.close() else: #file would be empty, remove it instead os.remove(os.path.join(extrainfodir, item))
[docs] def invalidate_extra_information(self,extrainfo): """ This used to remove all trophies, but since it is essential to preserve them, this is no longer the case """ pass
[docs] def get_extra_information(self, coll, item): """ This function is particularly sensitive. It is used by all global accomplishment scripts. """ extrainfopath = os.path.join(self.trophies_path, ".extrainformation/") authfile = os.path.join(extrainfopath, item) if not self.get_collection_exists(coll): log.msg("No such collection:" + coll) return None label = self.accDB[coll]['extra-information'][item]['label'] try: f = open(authfile, "r") data = final = [{item : data, "label" : label}] except IOError as e: #print "No data." final = [{item : "", "label" : ""}] return final # =================================================================
[docs] def reload_accom_database(self): # First, clear the database. self.accDB = {} # Get the list of all paths where accomplishments may be # installed... installpaths = self.accomplishments_installpaths.split(":") for installpath in installpaths: # Look for all accomplishment collections in this path path = os.path.join(installpath,'accomplishments') if not os.path.exists(path): continue collections = os.listdir(path) for collection in collections: # For each collection... if collection in self.accDB: # This collection has already been loaded from another install path! continue collpath = os.path.join(path,collection) aboutpath = os.path.join(collpath,'ABOUT') # Load data from ABOUT file cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() if not (cfg.has_option("general","langdefault") and cfg.has_option("general","name")): print aboutpath raise LookupError("Accomplishment collection with invalid ABOUT file ") langdefault = cfg.get("general","langdefault") collectionname = cfg.get("general","name") collauthors = set() collcategories = {} langdefaultpath = os.path.join(collpath,langdefault) setsslist = os.listdir(langdefaultpath) accno = 0 for accomset in setsslist: if accomset[-15:] == '.accomplishment': # this is an ungroped accomplishment file accompath = os.path.join(langdefaultpath,accomset) accomcfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # check if there is a translated version... translatedpath = os.path.join(os.path.join(collpath,self.lang),accomset) if os.path.exists(translatedpath): # yes, so use the translated file langused = self.lang else: # no. maybe there is a shorter language code? translatedpath = os.path.join(os.path.join(collpath,self.lang.split("_")[0]),accomset) if os.path.exists(translatedpath): langused = self.lang.split("_")[0] else: # no. fallback to default one langused = langdefault accomdata = dict(accomcfg._sections["accomplishment"]) accomID = collection + "/" + accomset[:-15] if 'author' in accomdata: collauthors.add(accomdata['author']) del accomdata['__name__'] accomdata['set'] = "" accomdata['collection'] = collection accomdata['type'] = "accomplishment" accomdata['lang'] = langused accomdata['base-path'] = collpath accomdata['script-path'] = os.path.join(installpath,os.path.join('scripts',os.path.join(collection,accomset[:-15] + ".py"))) if 'category' in accomdata: cats = accomdata['category'].split(",") categories = [] accomdata['categories'] = [] for cat in cats: catsplitted = cat.rstrip().lstrip().split(":") accomdata['categories'].append(cat.rstrip().lstrip()) if catsplitted[0] in collcategories: pass else: collcategories[catsplitted[0]] = [] if len(catsplitted) > 1: # category + subcategory if catsplitted[1] not in collcategories[catsplitted[0]]: collcategories[catsplitted[0]].append(catsplitted[1]) del accomdata['category'] else: accomdata['categories'] = [] self.accDB[accomID] = accomdata accno = accno + 1 else: # this is indeed a set! setID = collection + ":" + accomset setdata = {'type':"set",'name':accomset} self.accDB[setID] = setdata setdir = os.path.join(langdefaultpath,accomset) accomfiles = os.listdir(setdir) for accomfile in accomfiles: # For each accomplishment in this set... accompath = os.path.join(langdefaultpath,os.path.join(accomset,accomfile)) accomcfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # check if there is a translated version... translatedpath = os.path.join(os.path.join(collpath,self.lang),os.path.join(accomset,accomfile)) if os.path.exists(translatedpath): # yes, so use the translated file langused = self.lang else: # no. maybe there is a shorter language code? translatedpath = os.path.join(os.path.join(collpath,self.lang.split("_")[0]),os.path.join(accomset,accomfile)) if os.path.exists(translatedpath): langused = self.lang.split("_")[0] else: # no. fallback to default one langused = langdefault accomdata = dict(accomcfg._sections["accomplishment"]) accomID = collection + "/" + accomfile[:-15] if 'author' in accomdata: collauthors.add(accomdata['author']) accomdata['type'] = "accomplishment" del accomdata['__name__'] accomdata['set'] = accomset accomdata['collection'] = collection accomdata['lang'] = langused accomdata['base-path'] = collpath accomdata['script-path'] = os.path.join(installpath,os.path.join('scripts',os.path.join(collection,os.path.join(accomset,accomfile[:-15] + ".py")))) if 'category' in accomdata: cats = accomdata['category'].split(",") categories = [] accomdata['categories'] = [] for cat in cats: catsplitted = cat.rstrip().lstrip().split(":") accomdata['categories'].append(cat.rstrip().lstrip()) if catsplitted[0] in collcategories: pass else: collcategories[catsplitted[0]] = [] if len(catsplitted) > 1: # category + subcategory if catsplitted[1] not in collcategories[catsplitted[0]]: collcategories[catsplitted[0]].append(catsplitted[1]) del accomdata['category'] else: accomdata['categories'] = [] self.accDB[accomID] = accomdata accno = accno + 1 # Look for extrainformation dir extrainfodir = os.path.join(collpath,"extrainformation") extrainfolist = os.listdir(extrainfodir) extrainfo = {} for extrainfofile in extrainfolist: extrainfopath = os.path.join(extrainfodir,extrainfofile) eicfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() if eicfg.has_option("label",self.lang): label = eicfg.get("label",self.lang) elif eicfg.has_option("label",self.lang.split("_")[0]): label = eicfg.get("label",self.lang.split("_")[0]) else: label = eicfg.get("label",langdefault) if eicfg.has_option("description",self.lang): description = eicfg.get("description",self.lang) elif eicfg.has_option("description",self.lang.split("_")[0]): description = eicfg.get("description",self.lang.split("_")[0]) else: description = eicfg.get("description",langdefault) extrainfo[extrainfofile] = {'label':label,'description':description} # Store data about this colection collectiondata = {'langdefault':langdefault,'name':collectionname, 'acc_num':accno, 'type':"collection", 'base-path': collpath, 'categories' : collcategories, 'extra-information': extrainfo, 'authors':collauthors} self.accDB[collection] = collectiondata self._update_all_locked_and_completed_statuses() # Uncomment following for debugging # print self.accDB\ # ======= Access functions =======
def get_acc_data(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID] def get_acc_exists(self,accomID): return accomID in self.accDB def get_acc_title(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['title'] def get_acc_description(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['description'] def get_acc_needs_signing(self,accomID): if not 'needs-signing' in self.accDB[accomID]: return False elif (self.accDB[accomID]['needs-signing'] == "false" or self.accDB[accomID]['needs-signing'] == "False" or self.accDB[accomID]['needs-signing'] == "no"): return False else: return True def get_acc_depends(self,accomID): if 'depends' in self.accDB[accomID]: return [a.rstrip().lstrip() for a in self.accDB[accomID]['depends'].split(",")] else: return [] def get_acc_is_unlocked(self,accomID): return not self.accDB[accomID]['locked']
[docs] def get_trophy_path(self,accomID): if not self.get_acc_exists(accomID): # hopefully an empty path will break something... return "" else: return os.path.join(self.trophies_path,accomID + ".trophy")
def get_acc_is_completed(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['completed'] def get_acc_script_path(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['script-path'] def get_acc_icon(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['icon'] def get_acc_icon_path(self,accomID): imagesdir = os.path.join(self.dir_cache,'trophyimages') imagesdir = os.path.join(imagesdir,self.get_acc_collection(accomID)) iconfile = self.get_acc_icon(accomID) iconfilename, iconfileext = iconfile.split(".") if not self.get_acc_is_unlocked(accomID): iconfilename = iconfilename + '-locked' elif not self.get_acc_is_completed(accomID): iconfilename = iconfilename + '-opportunity' iconfile = iconfilename + "." + iconfileext return os.path.join(imagesdir,iconfile) def get_acc_needs_info(self,accomID): if not 'needs-information' in self.accDB[accomID]: return [] return [a.rstrip().lstrip() for a in self.accDB[accomID]['needs-information'].split(",")]
[docs] def get_acc_collection(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['collection']
[docs] def get_acc_categories(self,accomID): return self.accDB[accomID]['categories']
[docs] def get_trophy_data(self,accomID): if not self.get_acc_is_completed(accomID): return else: cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() return dict(cfg._sections["trophy"])
[docs] def get_collection_name(self,collection): return self.accDB[collection]['name']
[docs] def get_collection_exists(self,collection): return collection in self.list_collections()
[docs] def get_collection_authors(self,collection): return self.accDB[collection]['authors']
[docs] def get_collection_categories(self,collection): return self.accDB[collection]['categories']
[docs] def get_collection_data(self,collection): return self.accDB[collection] # ====== Listing functions ======
def list_accomplishments(self): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist()] def list_trophies(self): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist() if self.get_acc_is_completed(acc)] def list_opportunitues(self): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist() if not self.get_acc_is_completed(acc)] def list_depending_on(self,accomID): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist() if accomID in self.get_acc_depends(acc)] def list_unlocked(self): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist() if self.get_acc_is_unlocked(acc)] def list_unlocked_not_completed(self): return [acc for acc in self.accomslist() if self.get_acc_is_unlocked(acc) and not self.get_acc_is_completed(acc)] def list_collections(self): return [col for col in self.accDB if self.accDB[col]['type'] == 'collection'] # ====== Viewer-specific functions ====== def build_viewer_database(self): accs = self.list_accomplishments() db = [] for acc in accs: db.append({ 'title' : self.get_acc_title(acc), 'accomplished' : self.get_acc_is_completed(acc), 'locked' : not self.get_acc_is_unlocked(acc), 'iconpath' : self.get_acc_icon_path(acc), 'collection' : self.get_acc_collection(acc), 'collection-human' :self.get_collection_name( self.get_acc_collection(acc) ), 'categories' : self.get_acc_categories(acc), 'id' : acc }) return db # ========= Misc functions =========== def accomplish(self,accomID): log.msg("Accomplishing: %s" % accomID) if not self.get_acc_exists(accomID): log.msg("There is no such accomplishment.") return False #failure # Check if is hasn't been already completed if self.get_acc_is_completed(accomID): log.msg("Not accomplishing " + accomID + ", it has already been completed.") return True #success # Check if this accomplishment is unlocked if not self.get_acc_is_unlocked(accomID): log.msg("This accomplishment cannot be completed; it's locked.") return False coll = self._coll_from_accomID(accomID) accdata = self.get_acc_data(accomID) # Prepare extra-info needsinformation = self.get_acc_needs_info(accomID) for i in needsinformation: accdata[i] = self.get_extra_information(coll,i)[0][i] # Create .trophy file cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cp.add_section("trophy") cp.set("trophy", "version", "0.2") cp.set("trophy", "id", accomID) now = cp.set("trophy", "date-accomplished", now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) if 'needs-signing' in accdata: cp.set("trophy", 'needs-signing', accdata['needs-signing']) if 'needs-information' in accdata: cp.set("trophy", 'needs-information', accdata['needs-information']) for i in accdata['needs-information'].split(","): a = i.rstrip().lstrip() cp.set("trophy", a, accdata[a]) trophypath = self.get_trophy_path(accomID) dirpath = os.path.split(trophypath)[0] if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) log.msg(trophypath) fp = open(trophypath, "w") cp.write(fp) fp.close() if not self.get_acc_needs_signing(accomID): # The accomplishment does not need signing! self.service.trophy_received(accomID) self._display_accomplished_bubble(accomID) self._display_unlocked_bubble(accomID) self._mark_as_completed(accomID) self.run_scripts(0) return True def set_daemon_session_start(self,value): log.msg(value) log.msg(type(value)) if value == True: log.msg("setting") command = "twistd -noy " + daemon_exec_dir + "/accomplishments-daemon --logfile=" + os.path.join(self.dir_cache, "logs", "daemon.log") filetext = "[Desktop Entry]\n\ Type=Application\n\ Encoding=UTF-8\n\ Name=Accomplishments Daemon\n\ Exec=" + command + "\n\ NoDisplay=true" filename = os.path.join(self.dir_autostart, "accomplishments-daemon.desktop") file = open(filename, "w") file.write(filetext) file.close self.write_config_file_item("config", "daemon_sessionstart", "true") elif value == False: filename = os.path.join(self.dir_autostart, "accomplishments-daemon.desktop") if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) self.write_config_file_item("config", "daemon_sessionstart", "false") def get_daemon_session_start(self): return self.get_config_value("config", "daemon_sessionstart") def set_block_ubuntuone_notification_bubbles(self,value): u1configdir = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "ubuntuone") if not os.path.exists(u1configdir): os.makedirs(u1configdir) cfile = os.path.join(u1configdir, "syncdaemon.conf") config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if value == True: if not config.has_section("notifications"): config.add_section('notifications') config.set('notifications', 'show_all_notifications', "False") elif value == False: if config.has_section("notifications"): config.set('notifications', 'show_all_notifications', "True") with open(cfile, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) def get_block_ubuntuone_notification_bubbles(self): u1configdir = os.path.join( xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_config_home, "ubuntuone") if os.path.exists(u1configdir): cfile = os.path.join(u1configdir, "syncdaemon.conf") config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if( if config.has_section("notifications"): val = config.get('notifications', 'show_all_notifications') if val == "false" or val == "False": return True else: return False else: return False def _coll_from_accomID(self,accomID): return accomID.split("/")[0] def _display_accomplished_bubble(self,accomID): if self.show_notifications == True and pynotify and ( pynotify.is_initted() or pynotify.init("icon-summary-body")): n = pynotify.Notification( _("You have accomplished something!"), self.get_acc_title(accomID), self.get_acc_icon_path(accomID) ) n.set_hint_string('append', 'allowed') def _display_unlocked_bubble(self,accomID): unlocked = len(self.list_depending_on(accomID)) if unlocked is not 0: if self.show_notifications == True and pynotify and ( pynotify.is_initted() or pynotify.init("icon-summary-body")): message = (N_("You have unlocked %s new opportunity.","You have unlocked %s new opportunities.",unlocked) % str(unlocked)) n = pynotify.Notification( _("Opportunities Unlocked!"), message, self.get_media_file("unlocked.png")) def accomslist(self): for k in self.accDB: if self.accDB[k]['type'] is "accomplishment": yield k def _get_is_asc_correct(self,filepath): if os.path.exists(filepath): # the .asc signed file exists, so let's verify that it is correctly # signed by the Matrix trophysigned = open(filepath, "r") trophy = open(filepath[:-4], "r") c = gpgme.Context() signed = StringIO( plaintext = StringIO( sig = c.verify(signed, None, plaintext) if len(sig) != 1: # No Sig return False if sig[0].status is not None: # Bad Sig return False else: # Correct! # result = {'timestamp': sig[0].timestamp, 'signer': sig[0].fpr} return True else: log.msg("Cannot check if signature is correct, because file %s does not exist" % filepath) return False def _check_if_acc_is_completed(self,accomID): trophypath = self.get_trophy_path(accomID) if not os.path.exists(trophypath): # There is no trophy file return False if not self.get_acc_needs_signing(accomID): # The trophy does not need a signature return True else: # The trophy needs to be signed ascpath = trophypath + ".asc" if not os.path.exists(ascpath): return False else: return self._get_is_asc_correct(ascpath) def _check_if_acc_is_locked(self,accomID): dep = self.get_acc_depends(accomID) if not dep: return False else: locked = False for d in dep: # If at least one dependency is not completed... if not self.get_acc_is_completed(d): locked = True break return locked def _update_all_locked_and_completed_statuses(self): accs = self.list_accomplishments() for acc in accs: self.accDB[acc]['completed'] = self._check_if_acc_is_completed(acc) for acc in accs: self.accDB[acc]['locked'] = self._check_if_acc_is_locked(acc) def _mark_as_completed(self,accomID): self.accDB[accomID]['completed'] = True accs = self.list_depending_on(accomID) for acc in accs: self.accDB[acc]['locked'] = self._check_if_acc_is_locked(acc) #Other significant system functions def get_API_version(self): return "0.2"